About the 200+ Club
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1. About the 200+ Club

The 200+ Club is a private society lottery run by a group of supporters who are raising funds for good causes and initiatives within Weston-super-Mare RFC. It does not need a gambling licence or specific permission, but it is bound by rules set up the Gambling Act 2005.

The money raised is split 50/50 between annual prizes and fundraising. The monthly pot now stands at £520 which is divided five ways, the 1st number out of the hat currently wins £225. There is also a bumper Christmas Draw, the pot is dependant on the number of subscribing members, at the moment that is standing at £1,000.

The Chair of the 200 Club is Colin Reeves he can be contacted at 200+club@westonrugby.co.uk if more information is needed.

You can join the 200+ club here using our online application or print the standing order form below.

Standing Order Form


200+ Club Guidance


200 Club Members January 2021
